Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RNC loves Danzig.

Dear Diary,

Tonight I fell in love with someone. As usual my new love has 5 kids and one of those jock husbands. Why does this always happen to me? I hate jocks. No matter how big I get, they always kick my ass. Tonight I felt this perfect evil angel take my breathe away. Just as I thought I was ready to vote for McCain and got all comfy in my evil footie pajamas, I heard her speak. She said she opposed the "bridge to nowhere" and attacked Obama for having no executive experience (and McCain by implication.) ha!
That's what I call a maverick! But how can I get close to her? How can I work for the republicans....hmmmmmmm. This looks like a job for Danzig's alter ego Danzog!

Danzig (loves Sarah ( Sorry were never there for me))

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