Monday, September 1, 2008

Bangkok under state of emergency

Thailand's Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has declared a state of emergency in the capital Bangkok, after clashes left at least one person dead.

Well I've been saying it for years. Ever since the last state of emergency in 9/30/06. Thailand is unstable and it's going to stay that way unless they put someone like me in charge. I say this coming too, because I kept getting phone calls "Danzig, what should we do? The people are getting out of control!" and they would listen and now one person is dead! One! Come on people, more people died from playing pool this weekend then in Thailand's state of emergency! Whats wrong with the world? A little perspective here.

Granted, that one dude that died is probably pretty upset and I'm sure according to him the State of emergency is justified, but really....really? This is what happens when you let China's stranglehold on other countries lighten.

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