Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kevin Coster vs Keanu Reeves

Late night streamable netflix has me up late again. The sun is coming up and my evil ass should be asleep , but "The Postman" is 3 hours long! Now, I am going to come right out and say it- I like this movie. It has a billion things going for it and 1 thing against it: Kevin Costner. And really, folks, the dude gets clubbed in the head in the first 15 mins (I just timed it) and if you keep rewinding it, way more. Or you can wait 7 more minutes until he gets pummeled again. The most revealing Kevin Costner moment of the film--perhaps of his whole career-- is when he pretends he's an actor reciting Shakespeare... hasn't he been doing this his whole life? Or, you can just rewind the clubbing scene again.
Now I've just watched most of this flick and I realized that Kevin Costner has made 2 movies where he is the end all bad ass saving a post-apocalyptic world. Both flops and I don't understand how Keanu Reeves can make the same terrible movies and actually make money. Maybe everyone needs instructions on how to enjoy this movie. OK. How to enjoy "The Postman"
1) Imagine you are the main character and are doing a much better job.
2) um...after that you should be good.

So there you go.... and here are some links to keep you company.

Instead of this terrible music....image, sistinas.

"My whole life is gonna come to bear on these things."

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