Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Danzig at the DNC!

As many of you know my cable is out and all I have to watch is PBS. I hope every one learns from my mistake. Do NOT open gates to hell near your TIVo.
That is not what its made for and can cause some serious problems.

So as I watched Hillary go on on on about how the democrats are going to save the world from the evil republicans I couldn't help but wonder 2 things...

1) I could do this. and 2) How could I make that jumper look better.

First, I am already pretty comfortable in front of a crowd of people. I wondered what type of qualifications are needed to be a speaker at the DNC? I bet I could really get everyone in a frenzy. And my jokes wouldn't have anything to with "jumpers".

First thing this lady doesnt understand is I always have my shirt off. Perhaps if certain candidates would try this approach instead of the failed "jumper approach" she might have been talking tomorrow instead of today. Next thing I would is whip the microphone around in a way that says "DNC are you ready to rock!". And finally I would sing that cool song that actually steals the souls of people and then gives them back to other people! ha! I love that song. That always gets people in a rallying unity mood!

And second regarding the jumper...tear the sleeves, add some spike studs, and a big misfits patch on the back and she would be good to go.

Hmmmm. If I did run for president I would have to change my name.....something classy and elegant...like...like Danzog. Yes Ben Danzog
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